Monday, June 16, 2014

R.I.P. Casey Kasem

I learned that radio legend Casey Kasem died yesterday.  My first introduction to him, like many of my generation, was through the cartoon voice of Shaggy on "Scooby-Doo Where Are You!"  It was my favorite cartoon as a kid, and it still is.  It remarkably still holds up well.

Of course, he is most well known for his "American Top 40" radio show which he hosted from 1970 to 2004.  I remember listening to him in the 80's and turning my clock radio down low as I should have been sleeping, but I wanted to stay up late just so I could hear what that number one song was.

He provided many great memories in my childhood and he will be missed.

I pulled out my copy of the Ben Stiller show, where Casey Kasem was a guest on a sketch and did Shaggy's voice.  I had my family watch it so they knew the man behind the voice.  My kids love Scooby-Doo and it's great to see them as into it as I was (am).

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