Saturday, June 28, 2014

Animated Halloween Script done (again) and Brochure update

The latest draft is now completed.  This might be it for a while.  I've incorporated all that I've learned since the last draft (which is actually quite a bit), so there is a better flow to it.  The biggest difference was taking out a huge scene.  I've read that scripts need to be between 90 to 120 pages with the sweet spot at 110.  Anything over is an automatic strike against it.  It was a little over 120 (but when we read it out loud it moved very quickly), so I took out a big scene.  My wife was a little apprehensive at first, but when I explained it didn't really move the plot forward or add anything to the characters, she realized it needed to go too.  Now it just squeaks by.

I made a few minor changes on my Pyramid Horror screenplay based off of some feedback, so I think that one is ready to go now too.

I'm making some good headway on the brochure.  I added some shadowing to some of the images which really make them stand out more, I got a better copy of their logo added, I got a QR code for them and added on, and worked a little on changing the colors to a CMYK format.  I read when using Photoshop that it's best to use CMYK for colors because it will more accurately represent what a printer can print, unlike RGB, which are brighter and best suited for a computer screen.

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