Saturday, July 19, 2014

Update on Those Who Remember and Brochure writing

I'm on page 18 now with my short story.  I think I'm pretty close to the end, but it will definitely need another draft.  I've been taking down notes for places the story could be improved, I didn't want to go back too much and do some big changes until I have the first draft done.  It will need some more conflict and tenser moments, but the good part is I know what and where I'm going to add them in.

Work continues to progress nicely on the brochure.  I mentioned before how I read that printers suggest using the CMYK color option in Photoshop since it more accurately represents what they can print out.  I've been working on several options for two different colors.  I researched food and colors and found out that red and yellow are the most appetizing colors (hence why McDonald's uses them).  Also, green has a more organic vibe to it.  I used variations of yellow for one and green for another.  I think the yellow one looks better, but I always like to give options.  I spoke to a couple of printers and got some feedback on what they would need to print it out.  I think it's about done and I'll be e-mailing them the options and see what they think.

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