Friday, July 19, 2013

Draft II of the WWII Novel is complete!

Whew.  Yes, it's true.  Draft two is finished and I added a title page and a table of contents for getting to each chapter quicker.  Of course it's not done, there are a couple more steps that are needed.  I gave a copy to my wife, so she can go over it and do a little editing.  I'm almost finished reading her first novel and have been editing as I read.  I'm not sure how long it will take her, I may edit each chapter as she's done with it.  I'm hoping to have the next draft completed around the end of September.

So what's next?  I'm not sure.  There are some other commercial ideas I need to write up, there is a short comedy film that I've worked a little bit on, and I'll need to get the next screenplay ready to be written.  I'm hoping to start on that one in October, and I have a rough outline done, but it's an older one and I'll need to go over it again using my newer screenplay writing skills.

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