Friday, August 31, 2012

Serious multitasking

The WWII novel is coming along now.  It has gotten a little bit easier, but I'm only managing a page a day.  That has become the goal now, every day I need to get a page done.  I'm hoping that I'll have this finished by the end of the year.

I finished the latest draft of my Family Archaeology screenplay.  It was a little long so I had to make some tough decisions about what to cut out.  One was particularly heartbreaking since it had a key character moment.  It was hard to replace it with something shorter, but the scene will survive in the sequel.

We gave our Animated Halloween script to a couple of readers so we can get some good feedback on what works and what doesn't.  I always tend to fill in the blanks in my head and not on paper, so it's always nice to have someone look at it, and point out what they don't understand.

I did another quick draft of my Horror Trap screenplay to clean up some of the formatting and started on another draft of my Sci-Fi Horror movie.

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