Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Project Greenlight Episode 8

So they have finished shooting and have moved on to the editing phase. They only have 6-8 weeks to finish it where usually they would have that much time to just get a rough cut. There was only a couple of problems on this show. First, there was a screening for some of the producers including Ben Affleck. Chris Moore was not invited. He makes up the main three players of Project Greenlight and if the other two are invited then he should be there too.

Once word got out that a rough cut was being shown, the Dimension Films exec's wanted to see it. The producers didn't want them to see it yet. A lot hinges on their first impression and if they see a rough cut then they might not want to release it. I can see how they would be anxious to see how their money was spent but I would think they would want to see a good product too.

The last show will have a screening in Vegas. With the last episode coming up I have a bit of a problem. Do I go out and watch the movie (that is if it is released in the Denver area, the previous two were not)? I want to support Project Greenlight but I don't want to support Feast. I know the script has gone thru some revisions and the director can add a lot to it but I don't want to support the worst of the final three scripts. The executives picked an idea they could market, not the best script that could make some money. I'll have to see the last show and do some soul searching to decide what I'm going to do.

1 comment:

chadwig said...

I think you should go see it, but then take someone hostage till they give you your money back! Then buy the DVD of the season to support the show.